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Dealing with Denial.

Nidhi Nikum Darbari

Updated: Feb 26, 2024

Are you dealing with Climate Predicament or thinking if there is an alternative to Hyper-capitalism? How do you deal with climate deniers? or for that matter How would you like to engage with them and help them engage with the actual problem? Is your will to fix the problem dwindling? or are you waiting for the government mostly? or you are flabbergasted by the short-terminism-plagued politicians who will never build monuments for their epic failures but will ask for your vote?

Do you ponder what will it take to achieve solution for the climate emergency? and will we be only dealing with climate mitigation & adaptation but also dealing with suffering? Do you consider this question 'what kind of ancestor will you be'? 

How far are 'We' in this while you sit in your conservatory and admire sunflowers blooming in your garden and its a balmy 24 degree when it should have been an Autumn day!

In order to awaken to our burden, I highly recommend listening to the flow chart for better catastrophe - 'A flowchart for navigating our climate predicament'. 

I urge you. Go on click on it.

And, then you can choose you want to be a mid-wife or a hospice worker - for Mother earth?

Its thought provoking.

Thank You @andrewboyd, @JonaPomerance, @MarianDörk

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