Paper published in 'Journal of Digital Banking Vol. 6, 1' by Henry Stewart Publications
Abstract In October 2019, I delivered the keynote address to a room full of banking
and financial services professionals on what to expect on a journey towards digital
transformation (DT). At the outset I asked my audience if their business was in any
of the following three categories — advanced stage of DT, somewhere in between or
warming up to it. There was only one show of hand for ‘somewhere in between’, while
the majority identified themselves as being at the starting stage. It did surprise me. Since
then, however, the evolution towards DT has been rapid. Digital disruption has created a
level-playing field for various ecosystems, with its own subsidaries offering services and
generating real business value. If your business is an early adopter of digital disruption,
then you already know the value, but if you are among the early majority, the conservative
or even the sceptic willing to cross the chasm, I really hope that you can find at least one
useful takeaway from this conversation. I am bringing the spotlight back to ‘where to start’,
‘why digital principles are required’ and ‘understanding and building your own strategy for
data, platforms and machine learning’ to rebuild your organisation by facilitating the use
of agile methods by important players across your organisation. Find your ‘why’ to connect
customers, business and technology seamlessly through an opportunity well guided by
data and machine learning.
The original link of published journal at henry stewart website for paid users.
Alternatively, you can read and download the paper here.